Our team of experts at Reliance can help you develop policies & procedures needed for your organization, such as:
Cultural Competency Plan
The purpose of the Cultural Competency and Diversity Plan is to assure attainment and maintenance of cultural competency and diversity within an organization. Reliance will work with you to develop your unique plan with input from all levels of your organization, including the governing body, management and staff. Furthermore, Reliance will help ensure that your organization is in compliance with the training requirements of your Cultural Competency and Diversity Plans.
Accessibility Plan
The purpose of the Accessibility Plan is to promote accessibility to services, reduce barriers and enhance the quality of life for all employees, clients and other stakeholders. Reliance will assist you create and implement nondiscriminatory employment practices, meet all legal and regulatory requirements, as well as work to enhance access to your organization’s programs and services. Reliance will help you develop your organization’s accessibility in the following areas: architectural (physical), environmental, attitudinal, financial, communication, transportation, community integration, technology, and employment.
Performance Measurement and Management Plan
The Performance Measurement and Management Improvement (PMI) of an organization promotes excellence and continual improvement within the organization and all its programs and administrative departments. Reliance will work with you to ensure that your organization’s PMI is embedded in the fabric of all aspects of daily work and the organization’s strategic plan and long-term development. Staff and stakeholders will be empowered to be proactive in improving the policy and program outcomes and overall organizational performance. Your organization’s PMI program will be designed to be inclusive and transparent. The combined elements of the PMI will enable your organization to make effective and timely use of the collected data, take corrective action, and develop and implement programs in order to reach the highest standards attainable.
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan presents a series of statements relating to an organization’s mission, values, and vision. Reliance will assist you in outlining your goals, strategies, and tasks needed to move forward. Your strategic plan will be developed with input from your management team and staff members to enhance the services provided by your organization. Your strategic plan will document a roadmap for the supports, services, organizational developments, and define how your organization will achieve its vision. Your vision in your strategic plan will help you assess the current status of your organization and the future growth of your business. Reliance will help you operationalize your goals and priorities, so that they can be established, implemented, and shared with others.
Program Development
Reliance can assist you in any of the following:
- Leadership and guidance for budget development and program implementation.
- Build and manage collaborative partnerships with program stakeholders, local government officials, and formal and informal community leaders.
- Develop effective communication and training strategies to ensure acceptance and understanding of the program’s objectives and targets by all program participants and stakeholders.
- Provide training in the development and interpretation of audits, corrective action plans and investigative reports.
- Develop best practices for accountability, organizational expectations and performance reviews.